Friday, December 16, 2016

Fourth Grade Update

Students participated in several exciting learning experiences this week!

Mystery SKYPE
Students participated in their first Mystery SKYPE this week. During a mystery SKYPE the fourth grade SKYPEs with another fourth-grade class somewhere in the world. Students work in collaborative groups to develop their speaking and listening skills by developing questions to ask the mystery class to determine their exact location. Students also develop their geography and map skills by using an Atlas to develop effective and specific questions to ask the mystery class. The mystery class does the same, trying to guess our location. Our first Mystery SKYPE class was from Ottawa, Canada!

Archeologist Visit
Mrs. Silvia, of the Haffenreffer Museum at Brown University visited our classes again to present information about the Native people of the Arctic. Mrs. Silvia brought real artifacts to help students learn about how the culture of these people is greatly impacted by their unique climate. Students tried traditional Inuit games that were used to build hunting skills, dressed in traditional Inuit clothing, and tried a traditional ceremonial dance. Thank you to the JFK PCC for funding this great learning experience!

Creative Arts Friday
In Project-based learning students presented their weather station projects to the class. Students reflected on the Engineering Design Process and their work as a team to make decisions and solve problems. Many groups were able to test their weather stations outside to collect rain and test wind direction. Several groups concluded that we received 1.75 inches of rain during the last rain in late November. On the other hand some some groups realized that their weather station would need more support to with-stand strong winds when left outside; a valuable lesson on the Engineering Process.

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